Conventional landscaping becomes a threat to nature and humans

Excessive water use, chemical runoff and groundwater contamination are the major consequences of continuing to landscape with non-native and invasive species. The simple act of replacing them with native plants, biologically suited to your climate, soil conditions, and to the seasonal cycle of your area can:


Approximately 200 million pounds of pesticides are used by American households and businesses each year. Studies have shown that when chemical fertilizers are mixed with even a single pesticide, their harmful effects (including immune, neurological and endocrine deficiencies and cancer in humans) are compounded. The use of native plant species significantly reduces the need for herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers by 90%.​


Nationwide, landscape irrigation is estimated to account for nearly one-third of all residential water use, totaling nearly 9 billion gallons per day. By using those plants that evolved for survival within your local climate and environment, you can reduce the need for irrigation by 75%. This is especially important in an era of extreme climate change and water shortages.


Research shows that protecting 30% of the Earth’s lands and oceans can significantly benefit industries, such as forestry and agriculture. By maintaining these protected areas, we can create a future that combats inequality, prevents environmental degradation, and enhances public health. The advantages of expanding land and water protections outweigh the benefits of keeping the current status quo.

Our goal is to educate people about the importance and cost-effectiveness of utilizing native plant species in home and commercial landscaping, sidewalk plantings, parks, gardens, and open-space projects.

We use an interdisciplinary approach to consult with individuals, businesses, and agencies, teaching and advising them on how to use native plant species to improve and protect public health and conserve local wildlife populations.


Landscaping with native plants is not just better for the environment; it’s a lot easier on your wallet.​

Native plants use less water and fertilizer. They don’t need to be replaced every year (they are perennials) and require very little – if any ­– pruning and trimming. Native plants can also provide a natural defense against pests, which means less money spent on pesticides.


It’s not enough for us to grow and distribute native plants locally. We want to see native plants sold in every nursery around the country.​

Nurseries are critical to the promotion and proliferation of native plants for use in residential landscaping. We offer a seed exchange option for small nurseries and individual native plant growers. This is an excellent way to continue to spread and enhance the diversity of native plants throughout our region, especially for harder to find species.



Please accept our thanks for your thoughtful gift. We are moved by your generosity.

Your gesture serves as a reminder of the kindness of the American people, and we are grateful for your support of our shared vision for our Nation’s future.

Thank you, again, for your gift. We wish you all the best.


Barack Obama and Michelle Obama signature
Symbol from letter of Presidential acknowledgement from President Trump



August 30, 2017

Dr. Benjamin M. Burton

Oakland, New Jersey

Dear Dr. Burton,

Thank you for sharing your views on energy and environmental policy.

My Administration is strongly committed to environmental protection, including keeping our air and water clean and being good stewards of our environment. This requires all of us to do our part, and I want to thank you for your commitment to preserving our environment for future generations.

As we continue to protect our environment, we must also ensure that American workers have greater opportunities to provide for their families. That is why my Administration is also committed to protecting American workers and American companies from unnecessary regulatory burdens. Going forward, regulations must balance our stewardship of the environment with the needs of a growing economy.

Thank you again for sharing your views. As President, I am committed to unleashing America’s economic potential, while also protecting the environment. I am confident that together we can preserve America’s natural blessings for future generations.


Former President Donald Trump's signature